Quantum Healing & Reiki
“You are not just a drop in the ocean, you are the ocean in the drop.”
~ Rumi
Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy
Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT)
(Developed by Dolores Cannon over 45 years ago)
This treatment involves inducing an individual into the Theta or Somnambulistic state of trance through guided visualization. Clients connect with a deeper part of themselves, the Subconscious or "Oversoul", to tap into past-lives/events that are significantly impacting their current life. Many answers and insights are revealed bringing clarity and purpose for this life. The Oversoul has the ability to identify any physical problem/s it detects in the body, will explain the causes for its presence & heal it if applicable. There are no negative side effects. The client is conscious to the process and able to wake up at anytime.
This modality of Hypnosis healing includes treating:
- Addictions (includes: drugs; smoking; alcohol; overeating; etc.)
- Childhood traumas/wounding and life altering events
- Depression/Anxiety
Main outcomes: Mental, Emotional & Spiritual Stability and Soul Connection.
Nothing is beyond the realm of possibility. There are no limitations, except the limits of your own mind.
Hypnotherapy and BQH: Sylvia has attain certifications in Hypnotherapy Programs as well Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) created by Candace Craw Goldman. BQH is a methodology not only done in person but can be done online. Candace, on numerous ocassions has received guidance through quantum healing sessions that the internet is not only a technological advancement but an actual physical training ground for future higher human communication and connection! Online sessions can be a safe, effective and affordable way for practitioners to connect to clients all over the world.
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"As you embrace your deepest nature, the energies of your being shine forth into your body, your mind, and your world." Donna Eden
Reiki works on all levels, enhancing physical, mental, emotional & spiritual wellness